FFTFL premiere

FFTFL premiere

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Didn't Want To Do It

This is how my morning usually goes: Wake up at 5:30am, visit the bathroom, let the dog out, feed the dog, put away clean dishes, wash whatever's in the sink, start the girl's lunch, put out the boy's allergy pill and lunch money, wake up the boy at 5:50am with breakfast in hand, get my coffee ready and some kind of breakfast/protein bar and head back upstairs to my bedroom to the computer to log my breakfast on MFP and catch up on Facebook and the blogs I follow. Then at 6:30am, I wake up the girl, see the boy out the door and finish the girl's lunch. Then I get dressed and the girl and I head out the door at 7:15am. When I get back, I try to clean and be ready if the little one I babysit comes before I have to bring him to the bus.

This morning I didn't have to bring the little one to the bus. So that means my morning is free until I have to pick up his sister at pre-k at 11am. That meant I had plenty of time to run. I was not feeling a run in me today. But the sun is shining. There's a nice breeze. It's 58*. Perfect conditions for a run, right? Aww, hell. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. (Anybody? Anybody?)

So glad I went!

I believe I have to thank Insanity for my PR. I'm really strengthening my legs with all of those power jacks and basketball drills and suicides and ski downs and butt-kicks. All of that is really helping with my speed. So, even if I don't drop a pound or lose an inch, (Oh, yeah, I picked up a tape measure today to finally get my measurements!), Insanity is doing something GREAT for me!