FFTFL premiere

FFTFL premiere

Monday, December 5, 2016

One More Week?

So, today it has been 8 weeks since I went to the ER and was put in a boot. I was non weight bearing for SEVEN whole weeks. At 5 weeks I was sentenced to two more weeks non weight bearing and I broke down and cried in the exam room. I cried the whole way home. I was so done with bearing all my weight on my left foot, quad, hip, glute... but I had no frigging choice. It put me in a funk that didn't help me keep my mind focused on eating well and doing the physical activity I could while out of the game.

Two weeks ago I was prescribed and qualified for 100% financial coverage of the Exogen ultrasound bone healing system. It's an ultrasound device that you use 20 minutes a day to help promote blood flow to the area of the injury, which has been found to accelerate healing by up to 38%. I was a bit peeved that I hadn't received the device earlier, but, according to my doctor, that's the insurance companies fault. "They" don't like covering them before 90 days with non healing, so he was shocked I had one already. I've been using it regularly and I am hoping it's doing its job. (The device is mine to keep, so I think I'll start using it on my left foot, since it's been angry with all the hopping I had to do for 7 weeks, even with the knee scooter and walker.)

Finally, last week I got the good news from my doctor that allowed me to start walking in the boot. I see him again next Monday and we'll see what the x-rays say, again. I'm surprised I haven't grown a sixth toe, it's been radiated so damn much. My foot hurt the first day of walking on it. It was the 1st time I experienced any pain since I broke it, so it made me really nervous. The pain subsided, thank goodness, but I'm still experiencing major soreness in my hips and now in my left foot. Everything is out of alignment because the boot is just so tall. My stability sneaker is still not high enough to keep my hips parallel to each other. And yet I hear there is no physical therapy prescribed after this injury. Huh.

When I was able to stand on both feet I weighed myself and I am up 7 pounds. That sure will help my running and any pain I might experience when I am finally permitted to exercise again. Not. Doc said no exercise, not even the recumbent bike, last week. I was surprised by that and bummed out, thinking how bad could that be?!? Apparently enough to jeopardize my healing.

7 more days, then what? I have no idea where my fitness will be. I have no idea what kind of pain I will experience. The uncertainties scare me. NYC Half Marathon on March 19th and the Philadelphia 15k on April 1st. 14 weeks to go from 0 to 13.1 miles. Terrifying.